Sunday, May 10, 2009


So I've been skating a ton lately since it has been getting nicer out, and it's been amazing. We are also in the process of finishing up a little 20 minute video for the Market Skateshop in Fort Collins, CO. called "What's Your Name?" It's kind of a promo video for the full-length one we will be starting shortly after. (For more information on that, check out the link up under friends entitled, "Marketzine"). So, because I've been doing all of this I have been taking a lot of skateboarding photos. Here are just a few that have worked out, there will definitely be more soon. By the way, sorry about the lack of updates, I have been a busy young man. More consistent posts in the future. The photos will be bigger soon, this whole blog thing is a little new to me.

Coming straight out of Dogtown, Conner scoops into a proper backside smith grind and pops into the bank at Edora Skatepark in Fort Collins, CO. Ah...freedom is correct.

This rail is much harder than it looks in this photo, but Travis had no problem locking in to perfect frontside feebles before we got kicked out by the local authorities. Look at those twinkle toes on the front foot. Denver, CO. 

This backside noseblunt was taken at one of my favorite ditch spots ever. The shopping cart ended up pretty much making this photo so I kind of got lucky. I took it into photoshop to mess with the saturation and colors as well. Grant Garcia attacks.

Same trick, different outcome. I'm pretty sure Grant hit his head on this one. Turns out it didn't phase him too much since he pulled it a few tries later.

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