So I recently started messing around with panoramics and shooting film and scanning it and messing around with them in photoshop. I'm learning so much at this little school of mine. Here's a few I've done for classes that were actually all taken at the same place, it's a gold mine for photo opportunities.
This is a film image I scanned in shot with color film on my favorite camera right now, the Mamiya 645.
This is a panoramic I did of my friend Kit Kitredge on the roof of this place. Yup, just like the movie. Lots of cool possibilities with panoramic portraits.
This is a panoramic that was also taken on the roof of this gem of a building.
This is another style of panoramic called Gestalt. I think I did it wrong because you aren't supposed to actually stitch these ones together in photoshop, but I did and I liked the end result. This is one of the awesome stairways inside of the building to get to the roof.