This concept of this first series is kind-of aparant in the images. Basically, my friend Kitty gave me this really cool old frame so I took it to some parts of Denver that I've always thought looked pretty cool and unique. What I wanted to do was bring attention to certain parts of the city that most people would usually just walk by. Personally, I find the most decayed parts of cities to be the most beautiful. These were all shot with a Mamiya 645 with a 35 mm lense and color Velvia 120 film.
This next shot was a diptych that I was messing around with. For these shots I wanted to take a typical every-day activity, (In this case brushing your teeth), and really try to exaggerate it with the subjects facial expressions and the amount of tooth paste he was using. These were just shot with my Canon Digital SLR and post-production in Photoshop.